Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hey guys
Welcome to my blog.
This is the place to find all the others in your class and drop me any specific questions you have, general questions are probably better off on the google forum. There are also links to the other tute groups blogs. I encourage you to check them out.
I'll be at Thursdays lecture if you've got anything specific to show me, i know a few of you were keen for me to help you choose a section to model in sketchup, otherwise i can help you through your blog.


  1. Hey Jules, I was wondering what's your email? I post my 18 sections can you help me choose one? cheers!

  2. Hey Max
    Email is jules.cromarty@gmail.com
    I've added it to the side bar in the about me section

  3. hey JULES !!
    i've posted my 18 sketches .. it would be great if you could help me in choosing one to model in sketch up ..
    thank you in advance !!
